Syntara Limited is a clinical-stage drug development company targeting extracellular matrix dysfunction with its world-leading expertise in amine oxidase chemistry and other technologies to develop novel medicines for blood cancers and conditions linked to inflammation and fibrosis.

AUD $0.073

  • PREV CLOSE $0.073
  • OPEN $0.075
  • HIGH $0.075
  • LOW $0.072
  • VOLUME 2,453,083
  • MARKET CAP $118.43M

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Syntara Limited (ABN 75 082 811 630) is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange, code SNT. Syntara Limited was named Pharmaxis Ltd until 4 December 2023. It’s ASX code was PXS. The Syntara website is current for all investor information from 4 December 2023, with select historical information provided for ease of use. For a complete archive of historical information visit the ASX website.